Wizard Dev Log 5, Random BS

Hi again. This time I’ve got a bunch of things that don’t deserve a full log but I still like.

This is for a moving target, adapted from a tutorial to now follow a path you can set yourself instead. It declares itself an enemy then starts a timer to swap directions, of a duration you can also set. The most annoying part of this was that UE5 arrays start at 0, so the length node gives you a number one larger than the last index, something I didn’t realize for longer than I should have. You may notice I am very inconsistent in adding comments. Oops. 

Next is effectively an ammo kit for mana, which I called a mana well. It uses a lovely flower texture I found somewhere in the default assets. 

It isn’t too complicated. On overlap, it will look to see if it hit the player, adding mana and turning invisible if yes. After a delay, it “respawns” by becoming visible again, unless it’s a one time use pack. 

This doohickey manages about half of the UI, changing the crosshair’s color to match the currently selected element along with setting the health indicators to the correct values. If you’re wondering, the colors are currently light blue for air, bright red for fire, and dark green for earth. 

This stupid little loser is my first attempt at making an enemy. 

I used one of Ryan Laley’s AI tutorials to get the perception system down, but I’m struggling against the behavior tree because it’s different from the blueprint system that I already don’t understand deeply. I won’t show off that code bc you can look it up yourself. Here’s the behavior tree I managed to make myself. 

Yeah, not very impressive. It doesn’t even work fully, because the rotation only affects the yaw of the enemy and not the pitch. I understand why, but it inconveniences me. Next time I'll unveil something cooler. Here's a preview of some real, grade A nonsense

The image is visible in the edit menu but not when I hit publish? Idk what's happening

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